Frequently asked questions
We’ve tried to answer some questions you might have for us. Let us know if we missed anything!
Q: What is the minimum period I need to book a media campaign for?
A: Four weeks for classic billboards and bus. One week for digital billboards.
Q: How soon after signing my contract will I go live?
A: Artwork is required 10 days before live date for classic billboards and bus, and 3 days for digital billboards.
Q: Can you design my artwork?
A: We can refer you to a creative design specialist who can take your brief.
Q: Can I reuse my ad-material after it has been removed?
A: Classic billboards can be used time and again, but not for bus.
Q: What is the process to book a campaign?
A: Send us an online enquiry either directly or via the Go Planner and a Go Media representative will walk you through the process.
Q: Are there guidelines on what can be advertised and what can be communicated?
Refer to the ASA Advertising Codes code/
Q: How long do you store classic billboard ad-material?
A: The installer that removed the ad will store it up for 6 months, for a fee.
Q: Where should I send my artwork?

Briefing Considerations
Consider these aspects when planning your outdoor campaign:
1. Who are you wanting to communicate with i.e. demographics?
2. Where is your target audience located?
3. What is your advertising message communicating e.g. store location, new promotion?
4. What period do you want the campaign to be in market?
5. What budget do you have in mind?
6. How will you measure the success of the campaign?

Creative Guidelines
Tips to consider when creating your artwork:
1. Be concise – too much copy on outdoor creative is ineffective because people will not read it all. Keep it to a maximum of 7 words and make every word count.
2. Be big – outdoor media works on scale and proximity so your creative needs to be clear from up close and far away. Before submitting your artwork test it by printing it on A3 and pining it to the wall. Is the text legible and the images clear?
3. Be bright – vibrant creative can be eye-catching but it’s important to make sure the colour combinations work.
4. Be legible – avoid using too many fonts and ensure your fonts are clear and easy to read.
6. Be dynamic – Make your campaign more relevant using predetermined events such as weather or other conditions.
7. Be localised – localising the creative makes it more relevant and believable to your audience. This builds stronger rapport and memorability.
8. Be balanced – maintain a balance between copy and imagery. You don’t want too many elements competing for attention.
9. Be striking – a picture speaks a thousand words so select a striking shot and be sure it utilises the full area available.
10. Avoid white – use white copy on dark coloured backgrounds, as opposed to letting white dominate the creative. White has a higher risk of getting grubby when outdoors.